ATEX services
1. prepare the ATEX risk assessment in accordance with the regulation No. 3/2003. (11. March) FMM-ESZCSM
While the preliminary examinations with workplace safety perspective—set out in Section 21—and in the framework of the risk assessment set out in Section 54 (2), the employer is obliged to define the emerging threats from both workplace safety and occupational health.
For workplaces of potentially explosive atmosphere, the identification of these threats is a special task.
During the procedure, we define the risk itself and the level of that according to the following criteria:
a) Likelihood of the development and subsistence of the explosive airspace, and its duration
b) Likelihood of the firing-effectin an explosive airspace, including electrostatic discharges;
c) The equipment, the substances and the procedures and thepossible interaction of them;
d) The degree of the aftermathsin the case of an explosion.
2. To prepare an Explosion Protection document in accordance with regulation No. 3/2003. (11. March) FMM-ESZCSM
In the frame of the employer’s obligations set out in the legislation, the employer is obliged to prepare an explosion protection document, which is compulsory to have supervised continuously and amend if necessary. The preparation and supervision of the explosion protection document are specialized occupational safety activities, with the addition that in the process a person of at least secondary fire protection qualification shall be involved.
When preparing the explosion protection document, we consider the following factors:
a)Risk assessment and evaluation;
b) The listing of the measures taken, which promote the fulfillment of the requirements set out in the present regulation,
c) In accordance with Annex 1 of the regulation, the classification of the working areas into zones and the listingof the areas of which the requirements of the regulations refer to.
d) The measures which are related to the minimum level of the safety and health requirements of the working equipment and their usage, as well.