Safety data sheets
Safety data sheets (SDS) are required to be prepared and placed on chemical substances and mixtures. The safety data sheet shall be prepared by the manufacturer of the substance or the mixture, or by the entity that imports, distributes these materials in the European Union. In Hungaryisolated, dangerous substances and mixtures (e.g. locally mixed tinctures) remaining on the siteare required to have safety data sheets, as well.
The substance or dangerous mixture shall be placed on the market in the case there is a Hungarian safety data sheetattached to them by the manufacturer or importer, for the person who is professionally involved in the activity with these substances. The content and the form of the safety data sheet is set by the Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP) and the Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 on concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and establishing a European Chemicals Agency.
The structure and the content of SDS is set out in sixteen sections and their subsections in Annex II of the REACH regulation. From 1 June 2015,information regarding CLP classificationexclusively,shall be published in SDS and on the labels of substances and mixtures, as well. Information on SDS must meet information written on the labels.
The SDS of the substance or mixture shall be made in the language of the country where the products are placed on the market.
In Hungary, any chemical substances or mixtures shall be placed on the market together with a data sheet in Hungarian language. If the manufacturer does not provide a Hungarian data sheet, then the Hungarian distributor (buyer, trader, etc.) is obliged to prepare one, or get it prepared.
We undertake translation and supervision of safety data sheets:
Translating the SDSalone is not enough!
- As a part of our service, according to the information you have provided or found in literature, we prepare your safety data sheets.
- In accordance with the Hungarian legislation, we undertake the revision and prepare of safety data sheets in foreign languages.
- We undertake regular supervision of safety data sheets, monitoring changes, and the preparation of the content and form of the SDS in accordance with the REACH regulation.
- Upon request, we prepare SDS related label drafts, as well.
- We undertake the prepare MSDS databases keeping them up-to-date.
Our advantages:
- We prepare more than 1000 safety data sheets annually
- We prepare, supervise and translate SDS in English and German languages
- We have a broad national and international system of relationships, up-to-date information
- Experienced team of experts
- Customized software solutions
We undertake the registration of dangerous substances and mixtures to the competent authorities and ECHA.